Purpose Driven Health is a Key to Success
Saturday, January 6, 2024
Twenty-five bricks to build the foundation for a healthy and happy life.
Purpose Driven Health: what it is and how you can get it.
Purpose driven health is about bringing awareness to what matters in your life. If you are not aware of what that is, success will elude you. Although we all want to be healthy and happy, most people shine their light in the wrong place.
Health and happiness are much like the paradox of what came first, the chicken or the egg. They both come first. The cause and effect are interrelated. But, for your success, it is up to you to decide where to bring your awareness.
Please know I spent my time in the rabbit hole, learned hard lessons, was unaware, but kept my eyes on what I wanted. Age has a way of ironing out the wrinkles. It took more than 50 years.
This is what I learned to be true.
Based on my Norwegian upbringing, critical care nursing experience, and meditation practice, I cracked the code to health and happiness. My unique ability was born out of this. Today I will share it with you.

Photo by Matt W Newman on Unsplash
It is called Purpose Driven Health (PDH)
Think of purpose driven health as a triangle, with you at the center. The triangle sides are called, body, mind, and spirit. If one side caves in, use the other two sides to pull you up. This is how PDH works.
The body is your operating system, it is the house where you live. The house is built up of more than 50 trillion cells. Those cells need nurturing and upkeep. If you don’t take care of your cells, they won’t take care of you. Your house crumbles. Cardiovascular disease and other chronic diseases take over your house when your cells are neglected. Decay and deterioration weaken your operating system. You are at risk of becoming homeless.
The mind is your control station. Your thoughts live here. More than 50 thousand thoughts rummage your mind daily. Most are repetitive from yesterday, and many are negative. Our thoughts direct our emotions, our behaviors, and our life. Control your thoughts by steering them in the direction of what you want to be, do, and have. If you don’t like your present lifestyle, change your thoughts. Remember, you are not your thoughts, you are the observer of your thoughts.
The spirit is the essence of who you are. Your spirit sets you apart from the eight billion people that we share the earth with. But your spirit also unites you with everyone else in the world. We are one, together in this Uni(one) verse. You are needed to show up with your essence, your unique ability, often called purpose. No one can replace you. You matter because we are all part of the universal matrix and intelligence.
Becoming successful is about finding harmony and balance between your body, your mind, and your spirit. We are more than the sum of our parts, we are one. That oneness I call PDH. It is the ticket to everlasting success and a meaningful life.
Start now. This matters for everyone. But it matters more if you are a boomer child because you may not have another 50 years to figure out the answer. I did. It is my unique ability. I am here to share it with you, so that you can develop your own.

Photo by James Lee on Unsplash
Twenty-five bricks to start building a sound foundation for success: health and happiness.
1. PDH begins with awareness about what matters and what doesn’t matter in your life.
2. PDH is about knowing your strengths and your weaknesses and embracing them all, simply because you are human.
3. PDH is about knowing your blood pressure, your blood sugar, and your cholesterol levels, and why the numbers matter.
4. PDH is about love, forgiveness, and acceptance of the self and others.
5. PDH is about having the courage to say no and to say yes, when that is what you mean.
6. PDH is about being free from sugar- and fat-induced inflammation in the lining of your arteries.
7. PDH is about knowing what you want, what you enjoy, what you need, and what you can do without.
8. PDH is about asking for help when you need it.
9. PDH is about knowing that everyone spends time in the rabbit hole, and when you get out, help someone who is stuck.
10. PDH is about eating fruit and vegetables on most days, but because we are not rabbits, we can enjoy chocolate cake and potato chips on some days.
11. PDH is about having enough physical activity to make your heart pump blood with fresh oxygen to every cell in your body, every day.
12. PDH is about having enough money to pay the bills and having more money left over for dance lessons, if that’s what you want.
13. PHD is about having resilience in the face of diversity, and to live and die without regret.
14. PDH is about getting enough sleep; allowing the body and the mind to rest and detoxify.
15. PDH is about not suffering and dying from health challenges that can be prevented.
16. PDH is about spending time in nature, under an open sky, enjoying the wind and the sun. When you connect with nature, you connect with your higher self, your spirit.
17. PDH is about having a body weight that works for you.
18. PDH is about taking time out of the day to your thing; write a book, paint a picture, help the homeless, go back to school, or start a business. When your inner voice tugs and tells you do your thing, do it.
19. PDH is about understanding that everyone’s optimal health is unique and different, because we are all unique and different.
20. PDH is about being grateful for the goods in life.
21. PDH is about sharing and caring.
22. PDH is about having enough energy to get through the day; do chores and do the activities to make your heart jump for joy.
23. PDH is about guiding a child or a grandchild, sharing your wisdom, and helping them grow.
24. PDH is about slowing down and spending a few minutes in silence and just be, every day.
25. PDH is about being aware that we can change our thoughts; change how we react to stress, which can change our behavior, which can change our life.
With PDH in your back pocket, you can build a strong foundation to a meaningful and successful life and prevent dying with regret.

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 on Unsplash
What adds to your health and happiness? Please share, I would love to know. Thank you.
If you want to learn more about health and happiness, please download my free eBook: 10 Steps to Better Health and More Happiness at any Age.
🇳🇴Annelie Holmene Pelaez believes that everyone has an attribute to share with others. Promoting cardiovascular health and helping adults over age 65 is her contribution. When we don’t let age define us, but rather empower us to grow, we discover health and happiness are byproducts of who we are.
Annelie is the author of the book, Say Yes to A Better Life, available at Amazon.