Change the Trajectory of your Life
Thursday, January 19, 2023
Written by Annelie H. Pelaez
“Knowledge hoarded inspires no one,
Knowledge shared inspires the world”.

If you know, in your heart of hearts, that you have an Opus Magnus to share with the world, but you cannot figure out how to do it, Purpose Driven Health can help you. The Purpose Driven Health concept is made up of three elements, body, mind, and spirit. As humans, we are composed of matter and energy. With our thoughts we can create the energy needed to bring an idea into manifestation. We do that by focusing on what we want, the goal, create a desire, plan, and implement small steps towards the goal. With consistent effort, the universe will lend a heling hand along the way.
Because you have a mind, you can consciously create an intention. That intention determines the outcome and the result that you want to bring forth. With purpose driven health in your back pocket, you can be more, do more, have more, and share more, and have more.
Purpose is the reason behind your impending work, a deep-seated desire to create something that you know can be of value to another person. This is often born out of an attribute given you at birth.
Driven, is the energy that is put behind something to make it move forward and upward. That energy is spiritual in nature and embedded in your being as an intent.
Health is the bodily state we experience when we are free to operate without being hindered by physical illness or mental obstructions.
Purpose driven health is a condition of wellness in body, mind, and spirit. Understanding how it works is imperative to anything that we want to create and produce. If you are not aware of this concept, you are about to discover a powerful, yet simple tool, that is always at your disposal.
Your body is the operating system, the house in which you live. You cannot do much without a body, at least not while on earth. Like a regular house, build with bricks, your body is made up of cells. More than 30 trillion cells operate in unison to carry out metabolic functions, which in turn help create organs and a machinery more splendid than anything else on earth. Your body will assist you in carrying out and deliver your work. Give it water, nutrients, oxygen, and love. Optimize the self-care that will keep the body functional because health and success go together.
Your mind is the control station. Your thoughts live here. More than 50.000 thousand thoughts roam our mind daily. Many are repetitive and many are negative. Negative thoughts create negative emotions. Those negative emotions will diminish the confidence that you need to create and deliver your work. You can change your thoughts and you can change the feelings that are associated with those thoughts. Know that you are not your thoughts. You are the observer of your thoughts. You have the power to create positive thoughts that will serve you. Spend a few minutes in daily silence and connect to your inner being. This will make your mind strong and clear.
In his book, Change Your Thoughts, Change your Life, the late Dr Wayne Dyer wrote:
“Whatever you feel within you as your calling,
Whatever makes you feel alive-
Know in your heart that this excitement is all the evidence
you need to have your inner passion become reality.”
The spirit is the essence of who you are. Your attributes, your experiences, your morals, your identity make you unique and set you apart from the 8 billion people we share the earth with. The spirit is the matrix where intentions grow. Your creative force emerges from this field. No one can do exactly what you do. Know this and be sure, that you and your essence cannot be replicated by anyone.
You are unique, you are also deeply connected to the rest of us. You are irreplaceable. Your work, your project, your idea, or your magnum opus is no accident. It is meant to be shared with your fellow earthlings.
With this understanding, let us look at how delivering your work will come to pass. First, your magnum opus is an idea in your head. It is a piece of work that you want to bring into the world. That specific work reflects your ability, your interest, your experience, and your passion. It may be a screen play, a book, music, painting, a business, or a design of housing for the homeless. Your magnum opus may be anything that is uniquely created by you.
Why have you not yet presented your idea to the world? Are you too tired, don’t have enough time, short of money, scared to make a fool of yourself, or not sure of how to go about it? Fear and self-doubt are natural processes that are meant to hold us back long enough to consider the effect of our actions.
One of the universal laws, is the Law of Cause and Effect. It states that for every action there is an appropriate reaction. Nothing happens by accident. When we consciously chose an action, we also take responsible for the reaction or outcome of that action. Take the time and focus needed to get the job done, and change the trajectory of your life.
Decide to complete your work. If your work is ready to go, decide to deliver. In both scenarios, give yourself a short deadline and keep your promise. Use the power of your mind to create thoughts that give you the confidence needed to move forward. Remember, “Good thoughts bear good fruit, bad thoughts bad fruit”, James Allen wrote this in his book “As a Man Thinketh”. In the same book, he also wrote that we are the makers of ourselves, and that “ We do not attract that which we want, but that which we are”.
Live your days, powered by purpose driven health. Be, do, and have that which you desire and live with that conviction in mind. Use your body, mind, and spirit to bring your magnum opus to the market. AWARENESS about your being and Universal connection makes all the difference. Stay with it. Rest your mind on what matters. Think it, feel it, and allow it to come to pass.
Keep these words of Dr. Joe Dispenza in mind, from his book, Becoming Supernatural,
"What you put your attention on and rehearse over and over again Not only becomes who you are from a biological perspective, It also determines your future”.
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Purchase my book, Say Yes to A Better Life to find out more about how mindfulness nurtured by meditation and health literacy is the key to sustaining a healthy, self-actualized life, as well as inner peace and confidence.
🇳🇴Annelie Holmene Pelaez believes that we all have something to teach each other. Her contribution is to help adults over age 65 to gain better health and more happiness in body, mind, and spirit. Her expertise is based on her Norwegian background, experience in critical care nursing, and meditation practice. In her book, Say Yes To a Better Life, she explains that mindfulness nurtured by meditation and health literacy is the key to sustaining a healthy, self-actualized life, as well as inner peace and confidence. For questions , more information, or to purchase her book, reach her at